It's been a minute since I have blogged. I've been very busy with my newest project and I took some time to deal with personal issues. Let's just get right into this though.There's been alot of speculation and controversy surrounding Nicki Minaj. To keep it 100, when Nicki first hit the mainstream, I didn't care for her music or style too much. But I think this happens with most artist. I respected her older, underground material. Over a period of time, I witnessed her putting out quality and consistency. Isn't that what I stated many people lack? I began to actually "listen and hear" her story, analyze her vocals, her engineering, her entire brand. I started to watch from a business perspective as well as the lyrical aspect. Over a period of time, she impressed me. She's a strong woman and I never understood how so many of you people could hate on a woman, who raised herself, who struggled to be successful, followed her dreams and met the right people at the right time. The crazy shit is, shes REALLY passionate, she can REALLY rap, she REALLY tells her story and she is REALLY gifted/talented. Then I take a step back, the reversed perspective.. People argue about her content, and what she stands for and her negative influence amongst teenage girls. Well, I don't see male rappers being bashed and critiqued the way she is. She is doing what works for her, and thats why they have the muthafuckin "Parental Advisory, Explicit Content" sticker on the damn cd cover. I'm not even about to get into that though. She sold over 300,000 units first week, in a time where the post net era has made it very difficult for record labels and artists to capitalize off of music and record sales. Overall, with the production of Swizz Beats, Bangledesh, and features like Kanye West and Drake, I think it was a very genuine album. I think she was very open about her various emotions and feelings, and obviously it brought enough attention to help her with record sales and maintain her power as the Queen of today;s hip-hop. I was born in 1985, started rapping at 8 years old.. I grew up listening to Foxy brown, Lil Kim, Da Brat, Queen latifa, and I cannot deny their impact on today's music. But I lost mad respect for Lil Kim. These women should be happy for you Nicki, you accomplished more in 2 years in the mainstream then they have in their entire career! Get yours, keep grindin' and im proud of you sis! Don't stop!
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