January 22nd, 2011 and It's a blistering cold day in Philly. As we approach the international flight departures, there sits Sexy Tina. Wearing a pair of skinny jeans, heels, and a T-shirt, she looks amazing as usual. We ask Sexy Tina, "Where are you going?" and she answered "On my way to DR!!!!". She smiles....
So, we've been hearing so much about this Sexy Tina. About this Queen Diva Radio. Who is "Sexy Tina" and what does she represent?
Well my real name is Christina Sanchez and I LOVE my real name lol…. Sexy Tina was a name that came about when I started my first radio gig on la mega and it just stuck! so now everybody calls me SexyTina, to be honest it is kind of annoying but I run with it lol I say that SexyTina is my alter ego… I'm just a regular girl born and raised in North philadelphia. I love what I do and Love Love Love music so I launched my own website called QueenDivaRadio.com its an online radio station and webcast. We just launched about 7months ago and the response has been CRAZY!!!! people are loving it and I am putting 100% of my time into nurturing my project and making it grow!
So Sexy Tina, It is our understanding that you actually attended college for communications. Shortly after, you took a position at La Mega 1310. How was that experience? What influenced your decision to become an on-air radio personality?
I dropped out of Community College of Philadelphia twice lol Then I found the perfect school for me CSB. I graduated from The Connecticut School of Broadcasting, it was a great experience.Being on la mega opened up a lot of doors for me. I met a lot of great people and it really got me started in this industry … after being at the station and co-hosting I realized that radio was what I wanted to do …
You also worked for Clear Channel Communications.. What station were you
reporting live weather and traffic for?
Rumba 1480. Qow, That job was great because I got to do my own boards and I really learned the game. Now I'm a good as engineer… I have my own studio now and I do a lot of my own engineering …
Lately, we've seen pictures around the city neighborhoods and all over the
web. People are referring to you as "The Model, Sexy Tina." Can you
elaborate on this?
SORRY GUYS but I am not a model LOL … I take pics for promo purposes FLyers, Website, and Adds for my website … I do not consider myself a model lol. I'm a Radio Personality, I am Founder of QueenDivaRadio.com, QueenDIva.Net and Owner of CXU Productions, among other things … lol
We've heard that you have featured on very popular cable television shows. Can you let the fans know which ones you've been on?
I don't know if I would describe them as VERY popular but ok … my first TV gig was for a show called "The VIP Section" it was a local show in Allentown PA. My Direct TV en Espanol commercials where actually very Popular in Philadelphia… I did 3 commercials for Direct TV that were featured on Univison and Telemundo, Conexion Urbana Which was a show that I produced with my partner Stephanie Vies you can utube conexionurbanatv and see all our interviews … we interviewed every one from Pitbull to Daddy Yankee…I did Deportes en espanol and interviewed various baseball players…El circuit TV in New York … I heard those shows aired in VA also… I did a lot of on camera stuff all in the Latin world
That's a whole lot of work girl!!! How hard is it for a young ambitious Latinas to succeed in this entertainment industry flooded predominantly by men with egos?
OMG it is hard a shit ! Especially if your not quick to run to Black Mens magazine and show your ass in a thong like all these other chicks …Thats why I started my own company because I like to do things my way … You either love me or you don't. I'm still doing what I want to do!
So tell us a little more about Queen Diva Radio. When was this established and what influenced this radio show?
I launched QueenDivaRadio about 7 months ago because I wanted to do my own thing, my way and its an outlet for my Queen Diva Brand as a whole… Queen Diva is the name of my brand, I trademarked it in 2010…
"Queen Diva" is a strong, independent woman who is fearless, she is not afraid to take risks and do things her way. QueenDiva represents a woman who knows what she wants and is not easily influenced, she see's right through the BS! Say what you may, she is never afraid to be herself, speak her mind and live life to the fullest … SHe is a QueenDiva… Thats me in a nut Shell; Christina Sanchez The QueenDiva!
So, the fans want to know. What is your favorite drink?
Really? I have fans lol jk… I like Grey Goose even though it turns me into a LOCA Grey Goose and Cranberry ha
Is Sexy Tina single? What type of men do you look for?
No, I have a very supportive boyfriend who I love with all my heart. My type of man is confident, supportive, smart, someone who understands me and makes me better… I just described my Boyfriend lol xo
What is your biggest turn off?
Guys who act like they're living the life but they really don't got shit, stop being fake be yourself !… OH and guys who think they can have any girl they want… I don't like flashy guys who wear big chains and act all cool … I love a grown ass man who dosen't have shit to prove to anyone.
What is your biggest turn on?
Someone who puts me first and really cares about what I'm doing …
What would you consider your best feature?
I love My FACE !!! Love love love my FACE … my Eyes and Lips are my favorite
Lol. Did I tell you.. You love your face? lol. For the people who don't know, what is your nationality?
Hmmm, On that note, it's getting a little hot. Lets leave that for the fans imagination. Haha, Lets wrap up this interview. So what can we look forward to in 2011 from your radio show and brand?
Whats getting hot? lol. WOW ! A LOT !!! we are adding more shows and Jocks to the website … QueenDiva.Net is currently under construction, and we are launching QueenDiva Clothing, Perfume, and EVERYTHING ELSE!!!! ;-)
Sexy Tina, what advice would you give to young Latina women who aspire to be successful icons with in the entertainment industry?
Study! Go to school and do things the right way… if you really want to be memorable, MASTER YOUR CRAFT! Don't be so quick to show your ass for fame … Every Girl does that and beauty wont last forever! ( Not Knocking any of the Girls who've done it)
Are you available for booking? Okay, what is your booking information for the people?
Thank you so much Sexy Tina, we appreciate your time. Thank you for sitting down with www.intoodeap.com it mean's alot to us. Can you give us your contact info for the fans that want to find you on their social
networking sites?
Aw thanks … @Sexy_Tina215 on Twitter and check out my website www.QueenDivaRadio.com
Any last words?
Stay tuned because its just the Beginning! mua xo!
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