It's 1:55pm in New York City and our interviewers are ready to sit down with Miss Somaya "Boss" Reece. We ask how Somaya is doing and she replies: "Cold as Hell. If Hell is Cold!"(giggles), as she prepares for her XXL Magazine interview. Intoodeap.com has the honor of speaking to her before it starts. Looking beautiful as always, Somaya, covered in a sexy silk robe and surrounded by hair dressers, greets us with an amazing smile...
Somaya Reece! Hey beautiful. How are you? "A pocket full of lint, a dream, and a prayer"... And here you are now. One of the most successful Latina women in the the music industry. Coming from the hood, abusive relationships, and even being shot, how difficult was it to maintain your sanity, dream, and work ethic and how have you applied everything that you've learned from your experiences in to today's corporate world?
I'm not going to lie. It has been a battle. There have been many times I wanted to give up and walk away. In fact, I did, many times. Countless nights I cried myself to sleep because I wondered "why is this happening to me when I know I am a good person" why? But when I look at the overall picture. Hey, I made it out the hood alive and I still had and have the strength to not give up on my dreams. I've realized that my road to where I am today was meant to be difficult. It built my character, strength and a very hard shell. I've seen it all much to early in my young life. I have seen and experience things/situations in the hood n industry that would horrify and traumatize someone with a more fragile heart. However. For a girl like me that literally came from living in a garage, and cleaning toilets with my bare hands as a maid. I'm just happy to be living my dream. No one can take that from me. I am here for a reason. I'm not here for a pity party. I am here to share my story in order to inspire others!
In one your thisis50.com interviews, you stated that you were self-made? Can you explain what you mean to your fans and the people out there who do not understand what it takes to succeed in such a tough music and entertainment industry?
I truly am a self made woman. No one, no co sign, no investors, NO ONE built what I did. I did it all on my own by having 3-8 jobs, re investing into myself, filmed many commercials, small film roles, researching and always being a student first. I was an intern, managed my own photography company, worked as a secretary for a HUGE music directors firm, I was even an extra in films, I went to acting/theatre school. I truly started from the bottom and built my way to where I am today. I never had an ego along the way. You can't be a boss unless you are willing to be a student first. I did everything from the bottom so I could learn how to be a success at what I do. I made a lot of mistakes along the way and was sabotaged over and over. But look at me now! I'm still standing with the best of them.
You are very into your culture and it is expressed in your music which is a beautiful thing. Is this something that comes natural or is this part of a marketing plan to target a specific demographic?
I grew up in a very typical Latino household. all Latinos feel me on this. My mother would make us clean every Sunday, and the Latino music was blasting while we did it. We would be grooving while cleaning to Elvis Crespo, Celia Cruz, Luis Miguel etc I always wanted to add a Latin influence to my music. But I couldn't find any producers in L.A that did this style of music. Until I met my main producer Cito On The Beat, my dreams to do Latin influenced music were always shattered.
You were born and raised in South Central. Once a little Latina girl, struggling to escape the circumstances of your environment, you have become such an inspirational icon for the Hispanic community and independent music industry. You have starred in multiple movies since 2002 and featured in campaigns by Ralph Lauren, DKNY, Pepsi and more. You have accomplished so much! Can you tell us about some of your most recent achievements?
Again, because I refuse to give up! (she giggles) I set my heart on taking 3 years off to developing my sound in music. And let me tell you, it was the greatest thing I could have ever done. I came back swinging and it really shows in my new music. I just dropped my first club single of the year "Dale Mami" featuring Lumidee, and my Dj - Dj Spin King. It was dropped on one of the biggest mixtapes "Hip House" on the East Coast. I am honored to have been considered to be a part of it, as I can humbly say I am a newbbie out here in the East Coast. Everyone is on it from Young Money to Maino to Diggy Simmons and ME! After years of record deal offers, I have finally been offered major record label deals that actually make sense. However, I don't know what I will do. I built my brand all by myself, I refuse to let a label or anyone for that matter direct my brand. So we will see how it all pans out over this 2011. I just finished filming a show for VH1 "Love & Hip Hop" that airs March 21, 2011.
Yes!! "love & Hip-Hop" to be premiering on VH1. Can you tell us a little more about the show?
This show will be a big breakthrough for Hip Hop. It is NOT about hip hop wives at all, as I keep reading about. It is called LOVE & HIP HOP for a reason. My love for hip hop is simple really. I cannot live without my music, it is my therapy, I have nothing else, only my dream and my music! And, I gotta make it happen. The show follows my personal story of my arrival into NYC. For those that don't know. I took a crazy risk that I don't recommend to anyone. for some risks are not an option. For me, risks are the only option. I packed 1 suitcase, left my mother a nice sum in her account to take care of herself while I was gone, and jumped on a plane to NYC. Without knowing anyone here I was determined to work on the Latin sound of music I was eager to work on, and collaborate with some of my favorite East Coast DJ's n artists. I had nowhere to live, no one to rely on but myself! (as usual) They documented my entire first days of my arrival until today. The reality of what it takes to make it in the music business as a female. It isn't easy. People think that because you are a female it's easier, but they are WRONG. It is 10 times harder to try to run along side a pack of men who are generally machistas in Hip Hop. Realistically speaking, this is a male dominated industry, and it's rough. A lot of doors are slammed in your face before one opens, and if you aren't willing to sacrifice or take the good with the bad for your art. You will never make it in this game. I sacrificed everything to be where I am and you will see it in my show. Let's not mention being a "Latin" in hip hop. That's an entirely different obstacle due to the silent racism that exists in the game. It's OK though, I'm here to prove them wrong along with many of my other Latin peers running it as Latinos in Hip Hop.
Here is a direct link of the VH1 press release for more info: http://missreece.com/archives/3278
We are all very excited for you. We know it was very difficult for you to deal with the whole Joe Budden situation. Fortunately enough, you are past that and have moved on to a new chapter in your life. Can we look forward to an Somaya Reece album in 2011? Any radio singles we should be expecting?
After meeting with the majors I have a clear plan of what I should be doing with my music. I will continue to build album material along the way. However, I will be pushing singles until I create a demand for an album. I am proud to say that after years of building, many of my peers and your favorite artists have taken a chance with me and collaborated with me. I supposed I could say who they are but I'd rather let the music speak. Dale Mami featuring Lumidee DJ Spin King (produced by Cito On The Beat) has just dropped and it being pushed by many friends of mine in radio and DJ's. We hope to break it, and if not. No worries. I will always keep it moving.
What is your take on today's current state of hip-hop? Do you like the way the hip-hop and pop culture has evolved? How difficult is it to maintain your relevance or be innovative during this evolution of music?
Many people think Hip Hop is dead. If they only saw the bigger picture they would realize hip hop will never and has not died. I have underground friends who sell out shows overseas, but their music isn't on the radio. Then you have many many of your favorite rappers on the radio. It has evolved. You see more rappers collaborating with pop artists. I'd tell you the secret to what is going on but I can't. You wouldn't understand unless you were open to it. However I tell people all the time, they should pay close attention to what is going on before anyone says "hip hop is dead" it isn't and wont be. Ever! Being relevant I have realized is not up to the media but the fans. Again I have many friends who sell out shows over seas, but they are not on the radio.
Who are your favorite rap and pop artists today?
My list is much too long. I will name a few. My good friend Crooked I, Evidence, Apathy, Chino XL, Yelawolf, Ras Kass, Jean Grae, Pitbull, Britney Spears, TI, Common, Talib Kweli, Nas. I have so many more. I'll leave you with that for now.
Well Somaya, We thank you for taking the opportunity to sit down with www.intoodeap.com. We would love to hear a record with you and Deap in the near future. What advice would you give to young ladies with potential and a dream who have no support, finances, or guidance?
DEAP is very talented and a respectful humble guy. Looking forward to building with him.
For the ladies with potential:
#1. Don't ever take the easy road into the game.
#2. Don't let anyone get over on you because believe me THEY WILL TRY.
#3. Be a boss lady, not a taken care of by men lady. Be independent and make it on your own.
#4. Study, research, and work work work in order to reinvest into yourself.
Thank you so much Somaya. We appreciate you sitting down with us to do this interview. We wish you all the success in the world for 2011 and hope that you continue to progress and prosper. Can you let your fans know exactly where they can reach you via Twitter, Facebook, and your website?
#1. Don't ever take the easy road into the game.
#2. Don't let anyone get over on you because believe me THEY WILL TRY.
#3. Be a boss lady, not a taken care of by men lady. Be independent and make it on your own.
#4. Study, research, and work work work in order to reinvest into yourself.
Thank you so much Somaya. We appreciate you sitting down with us to do this interview. We wish you all the success in the world for 2011 and hope that you continue to progress and prosper. Can you let your fans know exactly where they can reach you via Twitter, Facebook, and your website?
And fans can call me FREE of charge at 1-213-785-7668. I do call fans back all the time!
Any last words?
"Keep your dreams alive. Even when you want to give up, don't. Be respectful, never play the victim, be humble, but never let anyone get over on you because they will try.Never ever forget where you came from. Remember. No one can take away your dreams unless you let them. If you give up, you've lost! "
-Somaya Boss Reece "LA Jefa"
And fans can call me FREE of charge at 1-213-785-7668. I do call fans back all the time!
Any last words?
"Keep your dreams alive. Even when you want to give up, don't. Be respectful, never play the victim, be humble, but never let anyone get over on you because they will try.Never ever forget where you came from. Remember. No one can take away your dreams unless you let them. If you give up, you've lost! "
-Somaya Boss Reece "LA Jefa"
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